Which LEGO CITY sets are the most valuable?

The LEGO 7893 - Passenger Plane (401 pieces) is the most valuable LEGO CITY set. This set was released in 2006 with an MSRP of $39.99.

LEGO 7893 - Passenger Plane is currently valued at 387 which is a 867.74% gain.

Other Valuable LEGO CITY sets

Missing out on the LEGO Passenger Plane? If you have these LEGO CITY sets, you could still make a decent profit.

Set NameMSRPYearLatest Market ValueGain
27734 - Cargo Plane$49.992008$350.00600.14%
37991 - Recycle Truck$16.992007$114.00570.98%
47634 - Tractor$12.992009$84.25548.58%
57936 - Level Crossing$19.992010$126.00530.32%